Pete the Cat Logic

Discussion of topics to build awareness, increase knowledge-base, and ultimately assist in conquering the challenges of being special parents of kids with special needs, such as those with autism or adhd. T o my disappointment, my son was not interested in books at all for a long time. I was very well aware of the importance of reading to your child daily, and I wanted to do it. It made me happy to think about sitting with him in my lap and reading to him. But, as I stated, he was not interested. He pulled the book out of my hands, tried to turn the pages after I'd read only two or three words, would rip the pages instead of turn them, or would just look anywhere and everywhere besides at the pages in the book. It seemed he could not focus long enough to appreciate what I was reading about. My dad had actually bought a book for my son when he was a young toddler. This was not surprising to me because my dad reg...