An IEP Meeting To Turn Things Around

Discussion of topics to build awareness, increase knowledge-base, and ultimately assist in conquering the challenges of being special parents of kids with special needs, such as those with autism or adhd. M y son was nose-diving. It didn't seem to be an emergency to the school, but it certainly was to me. So, I requested an IEP meeting. We had to figure out what was going on and correct it ASAP before he crashed and burned. I received a "Notice of Special Education IEP/ Placement Meeting" form. It documented when and where the IEP meeting would be held, who would attend, and the purpose of the meeting. My son's teacher was scheduled to attend, his speech therapist, the school Principal, the Local Educational Agency Rep, along with another Special Education teacher. The LEA was one of the Special Education administrators I had spoken to when I expressed dismay about my son being pulled from his previous school even th...